Best Fitness Articles From The Previous Week: September 4 2022

1. Another Secret For Effortless Fat Loss: Courtesy of Tom Venuto on Burn The Fat

While fat loss can be a bit tricky, there are some things you can do to make it feel effortless. If done consistently, these things can make all the difference in your results. In this article, Tom shares one thing you can do daily that will speed up your fat loss results. 

2. Back Squat Vs. Front Squat: Which, When, And Why: Courtesy of Chris Colucci on Breaking Muscle

The squat is a foundational movement that should be included in most people’s programs. But there are multiple variations of this movement that challenge the body in different ways. In this article, Chris walks through the difference between the back squat and front squat and shares which one may be best for you. 

3. The Best Workout To Slow Aging And Promote Longevity: Courtesy of Alexa Mellardo on Eat This, Not That!

We all know exercise improves health. But one of the biggest benefits it offers is the ability to add years to your life. In this article, Alexa shares the one type of exercise, proven by science, to promote longevity.

4. How To Eat Well On The Go: Courtesy of Tufts Now

Eating well on a consistent basis is key for any fitness goal you have. But traveling can make things a little more difficult. This article provides some practical tips to help you stay on track even when your on the go.

5. 6 Functional Exercises To Improve Balance And Stability: Courtesy of Mark Sisson on Mark’s Daily Apple 

Balance is something all of us do on a daily basis. Every time you walk or run you are balancing on one leg with each step. Overtime, we essentially lose our ability to balance well if we aren’t actively training it. In this article, Mark highlights 6 exercises you can use to improve your balance and athleticism. 

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