teach you about weight loss

What The Flash Can Teach You About Weight Loss

I admit it. I’m a huge superhero nerd. Whenever a new Marvel or DC comics movie comes out, I always see it on opening weekend. I love the action, adventure, and my favorite superheroes coming to life on the big screen.

In recent years though, there’s been a big shift into the content made available on television. And it’s no different for the world of comics.

There’s a show on the CW called The Flash, which is one of my favorite shows right now. For those who have never seen the show or have no idea who The Flash is, he’s one of the most prominent characters in the DC comics universe.

Long story short, in this version, The Flash is a man by the name of Barry Allen, who gets struck by lightning and receives the ability run extremely fast. He’s dubbed the fastest man alive.

The show is cool because it expounds upon The Flash universe and showcases many of the supporting characters from the comics. And it’s one of those characters in particular that I want to focus on. His name is Leonard Snart also known as Captain Cold.

In the show, Snart and The Flash start out as enemies, but as it progresses they actually form somewhat of a friendship. This eventually leads them to working together in one of the episodes from season 3.

In this particular episode, Barry is trying to save his fiancé and needs a piece of equipment to do it. Unfortunately, it’s locked up in a secure government facility and his only option is to turn to Captain Cold for help.

As they’re prepping for the mission, they begin brainstorming ideas so they can formulate a plan. It’s in this scene where Captain Cold shares some profound words. Here’s the clip.

His advice was four-fold:

1. Make the plan

2. Execute the plan

3. Expect the plan to go off the rails

4. Throw away the plan

As I watched this scene, I couldn’t help but think about how perfectly this relates to weight loss and fitness.

If you want to lose weight, you must have a plan in order to be successful. There’s no denying that. Without a method to accomplish your goal, you can’t actually accomplish your goal.

With weight loss, it’s important to experiment and find what works best for you. You may set up a plan and not see good results. If this happens, it’s ok to tweak your plan or start over entirely. Just remember not to beat yourself up over it.

Sustainability is a long-term plan not a short-term solution. And because of this, you need to forgive yourself when things don’t go perfect. You’re human, not a machine. You’ll have good days and bad days. That’s part of life.

The most important thing is to be persistent with your efforts. If you do this, you will get to where you want to be.

So if you’ve wanted to lose weight before and haven’t been successful, the first thing I want you to do is forgive yourself. The plan you created wasn’t the best plan for you. And that’s perfectly fine.

The second thing I want you to do is figure out why your plan went off the rails. Only then you will be able to come with a solution. And if you want some help with creating a new workout or nutrition plan check out this and this.

Repeat this process as much or as little as necessary. Once you get things dialed in, you’ll be amazed at the results you can see.

Photo Credit: The Flash Podcast

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