Are We Taking Our Health For Granted?

Today’s post will be a bit different than usual. I want to tell you a story that happened to me and my wife recently. It got me thinking about something important, so I wanted to share that with you.

A couple of weeks ago, we came down with a nasty stomach bug. This bug was given to us by our baby nephew Bradford. It was the worst I have felt in a long time.

This was the type of sickness that had us lying in bed all day holding a trash can. Our stomachs were knotted up, we were achy all over, and we would feel really hot at one point then freezing the next. Needless to say, this put us out of commission for a couple of days.

As I was lying in bed though, a thought occurred to me. I was thinking, I just wish I felt better so I could move and it wouldn’t hurt.

My body hurt all over, and my back was extremely sore from lying down for hours on end. I just wanted to be out of pain, and be free of sickness.

So that got me thinking, how many of us take our health or our pain free bodies for granted? We have the ability to lift weights and exercise. However, many people throughout the world are not able to do this.

There are many that have debilitating pain, injuries, or disabilities that do not allow them to be active. Thinking about this really made me realize how thankful I should be that this sickness lasted two days instead of the rest of my life.

So many people are looking to lose body fat or gain muscle mass, yet they do not want to work for it. Of course it will be hard, but their body will still allow them to accomplish their goals.

They are not held back by anything other than their own desire to accomplish these goals. They allow that to stop them from becoming the person they want to be. That is sad to think about.

We are only given one life and one body. We need to make sure that we are taking care of it. This means subjecting our body to a little stress (i.e. lifting weights) every now and again if we have the means to do so. Don’t take it for granted, because one day you may not be able to move freely.

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I thought that would resonate with you as it did with me. That is why I wanted to share it. If you have trouble finding motivation to work out, I hope this post helps you.

There will always be times in life where we don’t want to do something. I get that, trust me. But if you have the ability to do it, don’t take that for granted.

Not everyone is blessed with that same capability. Be mindful of this as you go through each day. I’m sure it will help light that fire inside of you that you need to accomplish your goals.

If you are looking for a personal trainer in Savannah, contact me to set up a consultation.

And if you found any of this information helpful, or know of someone it could help please share with others!

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